I got a question from a customer if I could write a script that can enable or disable autoscaling for an AVD hostpool with PowerShell. So, I wrote the script and want to share it.
They needed to disable autoscaling before the deployment of new session hosts and the removal of old ones.
You need the Az module for Powershell. You can install that by using this command in an administrative PowerShell window:
Install-Module Az
The script
Save this script as a .ps1 file:
Function Set-AVDHostPoolAutoScaling { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ResourceGroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ScalingPlanName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$HostPoolResourceId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [bool]$EnableAutoScale ) Begin { #To be filled later if needed } Process { Update-AzWvdScalingPlan ` -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName ` -Name $ScalingPlanName ` -HostPoolReference @( @{ 'hostPoolArmPath' = $HostPoolResourceId; 'scalingPlanEnabled' = $EnableAutoScale; } ) ` } }
After that, connect to Azure with this command:
*Optional* select the appropriate subscription:
Select-AzSubscription *Subscription ID* | Set-AzContext
Import the PowerShell function by using: (Path to file is the file we saved at the beginning of this blog)
. .\Pathto\File.ps1
Lastly, run the PowerShell function by using:
$ResourceGroupName = "RG_WE_AVD_HostPools" $ScalingPlanName = "Test-ScalingPlan" $HostPoolResourceId = "/subscriptions/SubscriptionID/resourceGroups/RG_WE_AVD_HostPools/providers/Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/AVD-Production" $EnableAutoScale = $true Set-AVDHostPoolAutoScaling -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ScalingPlanName $ScalingPlanName -HostPoolResourceId $HostPoolResourceId -EnableAutoScale $EnableAutoScale
Output before:

Output after:

Microsoft Docs
Other Posts:
Set Page File via Bicep
Love it, thanks Niels!
Thanks 🙂