In this series I am going to show you how build a Windows 10 Image via Azure Pipelines and DevOps without 3rd party tooling, welcome to part 3.1!
This is a blog which describes how you can deploy a VM from your newly created Shared Image Gallery Image via Bicep.
Part 1, 2 & 3 of this series needs to be completed. These are the links:
1. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 1 (Creating the Windows VM Pipeline)
2. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 2 (Artifacts & Application Installation)
3. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 3 (Shared Image Gallery)
Therefore, the prerequisites from part 1 are also required for this part. So:
Firstly, I am assuming that you have knowledge of Azure DevOps. These are the parts that already need be setup:
- Service Connection via Service Principal to ARM (more information)
- Azure Key Vault with connection to Azure DevOps (more information)
- GIT Repo in Azure DevOps (more information)
In addition, you need the Azure CLI module to run the Bicep template as the example. You can download it here.
Furthermore, I would advise you to use Powershell 7, link.
Lastly, you will need the bicep module, link.
Checkout/Skip to other parts:
0. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 0 (Preparing Azure/Azure DevOps)
1. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 1 (Creating the Windows VM Pipeline)
2. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 2 (Artifacts & Application Installation)
3. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 3 (Shared Image Gallery)
4. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 4 (SessionHost Deployment from Image)
5. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 5 (Convert the Image Build pipeline to YAML)
6. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 6 (Deploy Sessionhosts with Bicep and YAML)
Creating a test VM from the Shared Image Gallery
Firstly, you need to save this code as a .Bicep file:
//General Parameters param location string = 'Westeurope' param virtualMachineName string = 'Windows-TestVM' param osDiskType string = 'Premium_LRS' param virtualMachineSize string = 'Standard_B4ms' param adminUsername string = 'TestVMAdmin' //Gallery Parameters param galleryResourceGroup string = 'RG_WE_SharedImageGallery' param galleryName string = 'WVDImageGallery' param galleryImageDefinitionName string = 'Windows10WVDImage' //Virtual Network Parameters param vnetResourceGroup string = '' param vnetName string = '' param subnetName string = '' @secure() param adminPassword string param patchMode string = 'manual' param enableHotpatching bool = false var imageReference = resourceId(galleryResourceGroup,'Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions', '${galleryName}', '${galleryImageDefinitionName}','latest') var subnetId = resourceId(vnetResourceGroup,'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets','${vnetName}','${subnetName}') var virtualMachineComputerName = virtualMachineName var NicName = '${virtualMachineName}-NIC' resource NIC_Resource 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2018-10-01' = { name: NicName location: location properties: { ipConfigurations: [ { name: 'ipconfig1' properties: { subnet: { id: subnetId } privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic' } } ] } dependsOn: [] } resource VM_Resource 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2021-03-01' = { name: virtualMachineName location: location properties: { hardwareProfile: { vmSize: virtualMachineSize } storageProfile: { osDisk: { createOption: 'FromImage' managedDisk: { storageAccountType: osDiskType } } imageReference: { id: imageReference } } networkProfile: { networkInterfaces: [ { id: } ] } osProfile: { computerName: virtualMachineComputerName adminUsername: adminUsername adminPassword: adminPassword windowsConfiguration: { enableAutomaticUpdates: false provisionVMAgent: true patchSettings: { enableHotpatching: enableHotpatching patchMode: patchMode } } } licenseType: 'Windows_Client' } dependsOn: [ NIC_Resource ] }
After that, you have the option to add the following parameters as default values:
I set default values for my testing environment. You can also add these parameters at deployment. I will show this in the example.
After that, you need to log to Azure CLI. Use this command:
az login
Optional: If you have multiple subscriptions please select your subscription in Azure CLI with the following command:
az account set --subscription subscription-id
Create a resource group to deploy your test VM in:
az group create --location location --name resourcegroupname
Lastly, deploy the bicep template to create the VM.
az deployment group create ` --resource-group resource-group-name ` --template-file path-to-template ` --parameters parameters
Example deployment
I have logged and select my appropriate subscription and I now show you the process of creating the resource group and deploying the bicep template.
Firstly, create the resource group:
After that, deploy the bicep template:
As a result, the Azure Portal states that the bicep template is being deployed:
Optional: If you want to set the network parameters when running the bicep template. Please use the following example:
az deployment group create ` --resource-group resource-group-name ` --template-file path-to-template ` --parameters adminPassword='Password' vnetResourceGroup='ResourceGroupName' vnetName='VNETNAME' subnetName='SUBNETNAME'
And that concludes Windows 10 Image Series – Part 3.1. Please check out the other parts also:
0. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 0 (Preparing Azure/Azure DevOps)
1. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 1 (Creating the Windows VM Pipeline)
2. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 2 (Artifacts & Application Installation)
3. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 3 (Shared Image Gallery)
4. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 4 (SessionHost Deployment from Image)
5. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 5 (Convert the Image Build pipeline to YAML)
6. Windows 10 Image Series – Part 6 (Deploy Sessionhosts with Bicep and YAML)
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