Intune Compliancy Policies

Intune compliancy policies are nice way to check whether your managed devices are compliant with the policies you have made. For example; you want all your machines to be encrypted, it is possible to check this is enforced through a compliance policy. Example for an Intune Compliancy Policy The compliancy policy that we are going … Read more

Intune Delivery Optimization/bandwidth optimization

You will have probably heard about the Intune delivery optimization. In this blogpost I will explain and show the delivery optimization profiles options. I have configured this in my lab. I will walk you through every detail of the implementation. A good thing to know is that delivery optimization (peer to peer) is enabled by … Read more

Device Bulk Actions via Microsoft Intune

This is a new feature in Microsoft Intune. Device bulk actions for devices. An example would be that you have implemented Windows 10 AutoPilot before the naming convention was released and now you are stuck with the naming convention “DESKTOP-XXXXXXX”. You can now rename all devices in bulk. Example for a bulk action Let’s grab … Read more

Microsoft Office 365 Configuration via Intune

Since a couple of months Microsoft Intune offers the possibility to use ADMX templates to configure Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus. Earlier on this was possible via scripting to configure Microsoft Office. This is not ideal because our managed services department had a hard time controling this. When I read about the ADMX templates I … Read more

Powershell Function for packaging a Win32App

(code is at the bottom of the page) This blog is about the powershell function that I wrote for packaging Win32Apps. Normally this would take sometime creating folder and find the tools etc… Now you just only need to supply these 5 parameters: Preparation/Set Parameters 5 parameters need to entered like this:The parameters need to … Read more

Deploy Internet Shortcut with custom icon via Intune using Win32App

When we as IT People deploy Windows 10 AutoPilot we often get the feedback from users that they miss their shortcuts for SharePoint and such. For that reason I have created a manual which you can use to deploy this using a Win32App. Preparation Create a folder where you store the files that you need … Read more

Block personal owned devices from Microsoft Intune

Every administrator for Microsoft Intune has run in to this problem. For example, users install office on their personal devices (mobile and laptops/workstations), Microsoft asks them to log on. They log on with their company credentials and after that the user gets the question whether he wants to let his company manage his device. This … Read more

Chrome Extension via Win32App in Intune

If you use Azure AD as identity provider for your webbased third party applications, you might want to consider use the Google Chrome extension called “Windows 10 Accounts”. This extension provide the complete single sign on experience for applications that use Azure Activery Directory based identities. I will provide an instruction on how to deploy … Read more

Windows 10 AutoPilot Tips & Tricks

Windows 10 AutoPilot is a magnificent piece of software to deploy your Windows 10 machines. I have deployed multiple customers and I will share some tips & tricks. We used Microsoft Intune, soon to be Microsoft Endpoint Manager, stand alone to do so. If you are new to Windows 10 Autopilot and just want to … Read more

Set Calendar Permissions based on folder type

If you have ever migrated an Exchange Server or have been an administrator of a large Exchange environment this may soundsfamiliar. When you want to change the default permissions of the calendar of a roommailbox this folder is often in multiple languages. This depends on multiple factors, examples are: “Calendar, Agenda & Kalender”. This often … Read more