AutoPilot info auto upload script

I have created a script which auto uploads your Windows 10 AutoPilot info to your tenant. I didn’t do the hard work, that is someone called Nickolaj Andersen. He wrote the script that you can download from the Powershell Galery. This is his original post:

The Script

It is a simple script, it is just a couple of lines. This is the syntax of the script:

# Check if AutoPilotScript is installed
$InstalledScripts = Get-InstalledScript
If ($ -notcontains "Upload-WindowsAutopilotDeviceInfo") {
    Install-Script -Name Upload-WindowsAutopilotDeviceInfo -force

# collect Windows Autopilot info and Upload it to Azure
Upload-WindowsAutopilotDeviceInfo.ps1 -TenantName "" -Verbose

Firstly, the script will check if the script that uploads the data is installed. If is not it will be installed. That is done by this part:

# Check if AutoPilotScript is installed
$InstalledScripts = Get-InstalledScript
If ($ -notcontains "Upload-WindowsAutopilotDeviceInfo") {
    Install-Script -Name Upload-WindowsAutopilotDeviceInfo -force

After that the script that has just been installed will be called upon by this line:

Upload-WindowsAutopilotDeviceInfo.ps1 -TenantName "" -Verbose


I will show you an example for the script. I created a simple Windows 10 Hyper V machine for the script to run on.

I copy the script to the machine itself but in a real life situation you should put it on an USB drive and run it from there. Is this is a machine will hasn’t been enrolled and is still in the OOBE state you should use the key combination: “Shift” + “F10”. This opens a command prompt, after that run the Powershell script from there.

In addition, all actions above require you to have an internet connection. 🙂

I have place the script in my temp folder:

Run CMD as Admin, otherwise you are not able to install scripts onto your system. Run the following command (Change the File parameter accordingly) :

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\Temp\AutoPilotupload.ps1

NuGet needs to be installed, enter Y:

The script now installs a couple of modules to be able to connect to Azure AD. After that it prompts for the credentials to connect to Azure AD:

The data is being uploaded:

And now the Windows 10 device is uploaded in to your tenant:

5 thoughts on “AutoPilot info auto upload script”

  1. Hi Niels,
    Its not working anymore after the recent updates in powershell gallery and the original script in github.


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