I have written a Powershell Function which I use for Creating WVD Hostpools. Instead of clicking through the portal you now can create multiple hostpools by running this function.
- An Azure subscription
- The Azure subscription needs to be prepared for WVD deployment
- Install Powershell Modules (This is listed in the blog)
Powershell Function
This is the syntaxis for the script:
Function CreateWVDHostPools { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $False)] [String]$ResourceGroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline = $False)] [string[]]$HostPools ) $Location = "WestEurope" $ExistingResourceGroups = Get-AzResourceGroup if ($ExistingResourceGroups.ResourceGroupName -notcontains $ResourceGroupName) { Write-Host "ResourceGroup $($ResourceGroupName) does not exist. Creating new ResourceGroup" -ForegroundColor Green New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location } else { Write-Host "ResourceGroup $($ResourceGroupName) already exists" -ForegroundColor Yellow } foreach ($HostPoolName in $HostPools){ New-AzWvdWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName ` -Name "$($HostPoolName)-Workspace" ` -Location $Location ` -FriendlyName "$($HostPoolName)-Workspace" ` -ApplicationGroupReference $null ` -Description "$($HostPoolName)-Workspace" New-AzWvdHostPool -Name $HostPoolName ` -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName ` -Location $Location ` -HostPoolType Pooled ` -PreferredAppGroupType 'Desktop' ` -LoadBalancerType DepthFirst ` -MaxSessionLimit '12' ` $HostPool = Get-AzWvdHostPool -Name $HostPoolName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName New-AzWvdApplicationGroup -Name "$($HostPoolName)-DAG" ` -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName ` -ApplicationGroupType 'Desktop' ` -HostPoolArmPath $HostPool.id ` -Location $Location $DAG = Get-AzWvdApplicationGroup -Name "$($HostPoolName)-DAG" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName Register-AzWvdApplicationGroup -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName ` -WorkspaceName "$($HostPoolName)-Workspace" ` -ApplicationGroupPath $DAG.id } }
In addition, by default the script creates hostpools which are pooled and use “DepthFirst” with a 12 users session limit. Edit the script if needed. For example: BreathFirst with a 15 users sessionlimit.
Firstly, open up Powershell and install the modules by using the following code:
$installedModules = Get-InstalledModule if ($installedModules.Name -notmatch "Az") { Install-Module Az -Force -AllowClobber }
Secondly, connect to Azure using this code:
Next up, select your subscription:
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId SUBSCRIPTION ID | Set-AzContext
In addition, if you want to create multiple hostpools in different subscriptions you need to run the function multiple times in each context.
Next up, load the Powershell function in your Powershell session by pasting the code in the Powershell session:
After that, run the function by using this code:
NOTE: If you create multiple hostpools, use this format: Hostpoolname1, Hostpoolname2 (the space between the names is mandatory, otherwise it does not work.) Furthermore, if the ResourceGroupName does not exist. The script creates the ResourceGroup
CreateWVDHostPools -ResourceGroupName WVD2 -HostPools WVD-Dev, WVD-Test, WVD-Prod
After that, the script has run and has created the following output:
And that is how you use a Powershell Function for creating WVD Hostpools!
Microsoft Docs about ResourceGroups
Other Posts at NielsKok.tech:
How to create Hostpools in General
WVD ARM Template update
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