Update Application via Win32App in Microsoft Intune

This blog is about updating an application which you can not update through automation like Chocolately and/or PatchMyPC. I am going to update an application via Win32App in Microsoft Intune. I am deploying this using a script which first uninstalls the old version and then installs the new one. The application that I am going … Read more

Intune Delivery Optimization/bandwidth optimization

You will have probably heard about the Intune delivery optimization. In this blogpost I will explain and show the delivery optimization profiles options. I have configured this in my lab. I will walk you through every detail of the implementation. A good thing to know is that delivery optimization (peer to peer) is enabled by … Read more

Powershell Function for packaging a Win32App

(code is at the bottom of the page) This blog is about the powershell function that I wrote for packaging Win32Apps. Normally this would take sometime creating folder and find the tools etc… Now you just only need to supply these 5 parameters: Preparation/Set Parameters 5 parameters need to entered like this:The parameters need to … Read more