This is a quick short blog about how to get the installed language from domain computers/servers.
I wanted to check what languages are installed on my domain computers and servers. To do so I used remote PowerShell.
The script looks like this:
$Machines = Get-ADComputer -Properties * -Filter * foreach ($machine in $2022Machines){ try { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ -ScriptBlock { $OSinfo = Get-Wmiobject -class Win32_OperatingSystem $languagepack = $OSinfo.MUILanguages $hostname = Hostname Write-Output "$hostname has Languagepack $languagepack" } } catch { Write-Error "Couldnt retrieve the installed language" } }
If you only want to check your Windows Server 2022 machines. Use this code:
$Machines = Get-ADComputer -Properties * -Filter * | Where-Object OperatingSystem -Like "*Windows Server 2022*"
This is the result when running the script: