Connect to Exchange Online script with modern authentication

In october this year basic authentication for Exchange Online will no longer be available. That is why I’ve written a blog which explain how to use a script with encrypted credentials to connect to Exchange Online via modern authentication. Prerequisites You need to have the module “ExchangeOnlineManagement” installed. You can do so by running the … Read more

Exchange Online Migrations Tips & Tricks

I have done a lot of Exchange Online Migrations over the years and I would like to share my tips & tricks in moving the mailboxes via Powershell. I am going to discus moving a single mailbox, moving mailboxes in bulk, offboarding mailboxes back to Exchange On-Premises. Furthermore I am going to show you how … Read more

Collect AutoPilot Info from Remote Machine

How can you collect AutoPilot information from a Remote Machine? In this blog I will show you how you can grab this information. Prerequisites Remote Machine You need to have the following prequisites ready: 1. On the remote machine the WinRM service must be running.2. The network must allow WinRM connections. 3. The Windows Firewall … Read more

Update Application via Win32App in Microsoft Intune

This blog is about updating an application which you can not update through automation like Chocolately and/or PatchMyPC. I am going to update an application via Win32App in Microsoft Intune. I am deploying this using a script which first uninstalls the old version and then installs the new one. The application that I am going … Read more

AutoPilot info auto upload script

I have created a script which auto uploads your Windows 10 AutoPilot info to your tenant. I didn’t do the hard work, that is someone called Nickolaj Andersen. He wrote the script that you can download from the Powershell Galery. This is his original post: The Script It is a simple script, it is … Read more

Enable Azure AD Device Script

I have been testing with Windows 10 AutoPilot White Glove and I have run in to the problem where the Azure AD Device was not able to find my organisation. Problem definition The error looked like this: I had uploaded the hardware hashes to Intune using a CSV. Therefore, I was very suprised to see … Read more

Powershell Function for packaging a Win32App

(code is at the bottom of the page) This blog is about the powershell function that I wrote for packaging Win32Apps. Normally this would take sometime creating folder and find the tools etc… Now you just only need to supply these 5 parameters: Preparation/Set Parameters 5 parameters need to entered like this:The parameters need to … Read more

Chrome Extension via Win32App in Intune

If you use Azure AD as identity provider for your webbased third party applications, you might want to consider use the Google Chrome extension called “Windows 10 Accounts”. This extension provide the complete single sign on experience for applications that use Azure Activery Directory based identities. I will provide an instruction on how to deploy … Read more

Set Calendar Permissions based on folder type

If you have ever migrated an Exchange Server or have been an administrator of a large Exchange environment this may soundsfamiliar. When you want to change the default permissions of the calendar of a roommailbox this folder is often in multiple languages. This depends on multiple factors, examples are: “Calendar, Agenda & Kalender”. This often … Read more

Microsoft Intune Daily Configuration Backup

This blog is about creating a backup for your Intune Configuration with a 90 day retention. This way you could go back in time if you have a lot of configuration changes. Sometimes there are a lot of Sysadmins making changes in the configuration without proper documentation. This way you can just look at the … Read more