Intune Backup to Storage Account Pt.1 – The Script

This post is about creating an Intune backup to a storage account. You could use this to create a daily backup or even more frequent. The clarify the above. I created a script that creates a backup from your Intune environment and uploads it to a storage account. I got a couple of requests to … Read more

Import Intune Backup and Assign Group

if you import an Intune Backup via the Powershell Module (IntuneBackupAndRestore), it does not assign a group automatically. There is no option in that module. This blog features a script that assigns a group automatically to all imported profiles. The script assigns the following policies: Configuration Policies Administrative Templates Windows Update Policies Compliance Policies Powershell … Read more

Endpoint Manager RunAs Admin

This blog is about needing to use Powershell to RunAs admin on an Endpoint Manager device. When you use the security baselines in Microsoft Intune for Windows 10, this message is familiar: This message will pop-up when you try run Powershell as admin: Solution The solution is quite simple. Follow these steps to start Powershell … Read more

Autopilot Devices Script Menu

I have written a couple of posts which describe add Autopilot devices to Intune. The feedback that I got was that it might be easier for some people to include a menu to add group tags. I have created a script which builds a menu where you can choose a group tag for your autopilot … Read more

WVD Intune ARM Template Update

You can deploy Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) via an ARM Template. There is a possible update incoming for this template. This update may contain native join to Microsoft Intune (Endpoint Manager) from within the WVD ARM template. Firstly, I would like to refer to Sander Rozemuller who noticed the change in the ARM template at … Read more

Update Application via Win32App in Microsoft Intune

This blog is about updating an application which you can not update through automation like Chocolately and/or PatchMyPC. I am going to update an application via Win32App in Microsoft Intune. I am deploying this using a script which first uninstalls the old version and then installs the new one. The application that I am going … Read more

Windows 10 AutoPilot Hybrid AD Join vs Azure AD Join

If you are looking to deploy Windows 10 AutoPilot you are going to have to make a choice. Are you going to use an Hybrid AD Join or a Azure AD Join deployment? I am going to give you my thoughts on a Windows 10 Autopilot Hybrid AD Join vs Azure AD join. Furthermore I … Read more

Create Windows 10 AutoPilot Hybrid Azure AD joined profile

This blogpost is about creating a Windows 10 AutoPilot deployment profile based on a Hybrid Azure AD Joined scenario via Microsoft 365/Microsoft Intune. Creating Windows 10 AutoPilot Hybrid Azure AD joined profile Go to and log on. Go to Devices and to Windows: After that click on “Windows Enrollment”: We first need to setup automatic enrollment. … Read more